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Close state of reaching a salary of 15 thousand pesos

Chihuahua is part of the six entities in the entire country that have made the most progress in reaching the monthly salary of 15,000 pesos, which has been calculated as the minimum necessary to be able to cover the needs of a person, in a dignified manner, said the president. of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE), Federico Baeza Mares.

The CCE leader highlighted that, in our entity, the average salary ranges between 11 and 12 thousand pesos per month, which means that it is close to achieving the goal of fully remunerating workers. The business leader explained that there are indicators that place Chihuahua as the entity with the best labor quality in the country, this considering various factors, such as the possibility of occupation and the unemployment rate, in addition to informal work.

The state reaches a monthly salary of between 11,000 and 12,000 pesos on average. The extraction industry is the one that pays the best; up to $70 thousand per month: CCE.

Chihuahua is part of the six entities in the entire country that have made the most progress in reaching the monthly salary of 15,000 pesos, which has been calculated as the minimum necessary to be able to cover the needs of a person, in a dignified manner, said the president. of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE), Federico Baeza Mares.

The CCE leader highlighted that, in our entity, the average salary ranges between 11 and 12 thousand pesos per month, which means that it is close to achieving the goal of fully remunerating workers.

The business leader explained that there are indicators that place Chihuahua as the entity with the best labor quality in the country, this considering various factors, such as the possibility of occupation and the unemployment rate, in addition to informal work.

Likewise, he referred to other factors that benefit various regions of Chihuahua, such as the fact that life is not as expensive as in other cities, so that the resource perceived by the worker can be used more.

With regard to salaries, Baeza Mares said that in Chihuahua the number of workers who depend on a minimum wage is small, since it is around 6,200 pesos a month in most of the state, while the average earns income which are in the range of 12 thousand pesos, which speaks of the efforts to improve the quality of life of the population.

He stressed that the extraction industry is the one with the best salaries in the state, with positions that earn up to 70,000 pesos a month.

The sectors that enjoy the best salaries, in addition to extraction, is the transformation sector, where about 47 percent of its employees receive between three and four minimum wages, which translates into income ranging from 18 to 24 thousand monthly pesos.

Entities such as Campeche, Mexico City and Baja California exceed Chihuahua’s average salary, but according to the businessman, the state has remained at the top of the table for years. (Orlando

– Currently the average is between 11 thousand and 12 thousand pesos

The extraction industry (those dedicated to exploiting subsoil resources) is the one with the best salaries in the State, with positions that receive up to 70,000 pesos a month,” said Federico Baeza Mares, President of the CCE.

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