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"clown show": Formula 1 world champion Verstappen freaks out after internet failure

Max Verstappen became Formula 1 world champion for the second time in 2022. Image: imago / Motorsport Images

formula 1

At least since the beginning of the pandemic, everyone has known how annoying an internet failure can be: You’re sitting in your home office, giving a presentation for your colleagues and – boom – you’re suddenly kicked out of the zoom call because the router is on strike. All the more annoying when the work progress of several days is lost as a result.

Formula 1 world champion Max Verstappen also had to experience this: At the weekend, the 25-year-old took part in the virtual offshoot of the 24-hour race at Le Mans and was even on course for victory before the internet threw a spanner in the works. In retrospect, the Belgian was upset on Twitch.

The 24-hour race has also been available as a simulation for a year.Image: / HochZwei

Verstappen and team are passed after a server problem

The Le Mans Virtual Series took place for the second time this year: on five simulated racetracks, the event was intended to bring together top stars from various racing series, young hopefuls and e-athletes. The highlight was of course the 24-hour race.

Formula 1 world champion Verstappen competed for Team Redline, together with 20-year-old Luke Browning (Formula 4), as well as Jeffrey Rietveld (ESports) and Diogo Pinto (ESports).

The 20-year-old Browning was allowed to drive with the Formula 1 world champion in the Le Mans simulation.Image: / Eibner

Team Redline had already completed 18 hours and had a promising lead when the connection to the “rFactor 2” platform server suddenly broke down. When connection was restored, the team was put back on track in 15th place. Faced with this setback, the drivers decided not to complete the race.

“Clown Show”: Verstappen calls for a boycott

“It’s a clown show,” Verstappen complained afterwards on Twitch. “It’s just a shame for all the effort we’ve put in as a team,” he explained of his anger. Apparently he and Team Redline had been preparing for the race for two months.

The organizers “call it ‘unbelievable bad luck'”, the Formula 1 world champion commented on his departure on Twitch. “I say it’s just inability,” he accuses the organizers.

The Verstappen exit was not the only technical problem at the event: the race had to be interrupted several times due to a “security gap”.

“This is the third time that I’ve been kicked out during the race,” said Verstappen. “It was the last time that I took part here,” he announces a boycott. “I hope a lot of people will follow me and we can build something beautiful somewhere else because we teams, brands and drivers deserve it.”

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