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CNDH condemned the murder of student Ángel Yael at the hands of the GN and called for repairing the damage

Ángel Yael was killed by an element of the National Guard (Courtesy)

The National Human Rights Commission (IACHR) issued a recommendation to the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) for the death of the student from the University of Guanajuato, Angel Yael Ignacio Rangel, at the hands of members of the National Guard (GN).

“The CNDH led the Recommendation 80VG/2022 to the head of the SSPC, Rosa Icela Rodríguez Velázquez, for serious violations of human rights to life to the detriment of a student at the University of Guanajuatoand to the personal integrity and legal security of three others, due to the excessive use of force, attributable to elements of the GN”, stated the CNDH.

The commission explained that the events were described as “grave violations” given the violations of the human rights to life, personal integrity and legal security of the victims; as well as the social impact and the affectations caused to the next of kin of the victim, coupled with the impact on the family nucleus and life project of the other student who was injured and the damage caused to two other victims.

On April 27, 2022, an ex officio investigation was initiated by the Human Rights Ombudsman of the State of Guanajuato, which was later forwarded to the CNDH for reasons of jurisdiction.

According to the institution, That day, four young students were living together on a piece of land near the University of Guanajuato.where they studied.

The students were in a white Ford Eco Sport van (Special).

However, when they withdrew in their vehicles, members of the National Guard arrived unexpectedly, got out and began shooting at them. One of the victims was shot in the head and died instantly. while another was injured in the right shoulder.

The CNDH confirmed the excessive use of force that resulted in violations of the right to life of the fatal victim and the personal integrity of the other three victims. It was warned that the elements of the GN did not act in accordance with the principles contained in the National Law on the Use of Force, the General Law of the National Public Security System and the National Guard Law.

The CNDH explained that despite the elements of the GN declared that the youths fled at high speed as soon as they saw them, and that supposedly for this reason they had to chase them and shoot them since they did not want to stop, the National Commission concluded that the use of force was illegal since they were not facing a real and imminent threat that would require the use of their lethal weapons to safeguard their lives and integrity.

“Nor was it noticed that the young people offered resistance, much less attacks; On the contrary, it was proven that the elements of the GN fired immediately and directly at the victims, without there being a duly motivated cause to activate their firearms or gradually with the use of force. Therefore, it was untimely, unnecessary and therefore excessive.” expanded the CNDH.

Last April, the National Guard acknowledged that one of its elements unilaterally opened fire against a group of students. (University of Guanajuato )

In addition, according to the institution, together with the individual responsibility of the elements of the GN, there was also an institutional responsibility, “since the actions of the personnel evidenced their lack of preparation regarding the protocols for the use of force and weapons of fire, as well as in matters of accountability”.

Finally, the CNDH recommended that the National Guard register in the National Registry of Victims the four people whose rights were violated, as well as the seven indirect victims, and thus proceed to the immediate comprehensive reparation of the damage that includes the compensation measure.

Likewise, it requested that the SSPC collaborate with the Court in charge of the investigation against the public servants who could be responsible for the facts derived from the CNDH’s recommendation.


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