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CNews columnist Jean-Claude Dassier targeted by a complaint from the Union of French Mosques

The Union of Mosques of France (UMF) filed a complaint this Friday, January 6 against the columnist of the CNews channel, Jean-Claude Dassier for “public insult”learned AFP from his lawyer.

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The complaint, for “public insult” and “incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence”consulted by AFP, was filed with civil action on Friday at the Paris court, said Najwa El Haïté.

On December 27, Jean-Claude Dassier, former manager of the LCI channel and ex-president of the OM football club, said during a debate on juvenile delinquency that “Muslims, they don’t care about the Republic, they don’t even know what the word means”.

Statements condemned three days later by the president of the UMF Mohammed Moussaoui. The one who co-assures the interim of the presidency of the French Council of the Muslim Worship (CFCM, former interlocutor of the State with the Muslim Worship) had described them as “shocking and defamatory”.

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The complaint also relates to another statement by Jean-Claude Dassier, quoted to AFP by the lawyer for the UMF: “What do you do with the millions of Muslims who have French papers and who have been living for… some for decades and who live with a completely different culture than ours under the uh… French flag. What do we do with it? ! ».

On Wednesday, Arcom, the media regulator (ex-CSA) announced that it had seized a member of the Council of State to study the possibility of a sanction.

Two days after the remarks made by Jean-Claude Dassier, the presenter of CNews Barbara Klein, at the helm of the show in question, had dissociated herself from her columnist on behalf of the channel and its writing.

The UMF also intends to file a complaint next Monday against the anti-Muslim remarks of the writer Michel Houellebecq published at the end of November in the magazine “Popular Front” in an interview with the philosopher Michel Onfray.

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