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Co-participation: More voices against the government’s decision to ignore the Court’s ruling

From different sectors of justice, politics, and even academic fields, voices continue to be raised that reject the government’s decision to ignore the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJN), which obliges the national state to restore funds from co-participation to the City of Buenos Aires.

The Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires issued a statement entitled “Judicial decisions must be complied with”in which he expressed his opinion on the ruling by co-participation. In the document, the lawyers stated that a hypothetical challenge to the Supreme judges would be “late and inadmissible”and explained that the judgments of the Court are final.”

National Deputy Graciela Ocaña. Source: (InfoRegion).

The collegiates maintain that “we are facing a ruling that defends the so-called concerted federalism in an exemplary manner” and that it has precedents in previous cases. The statement ensures that the Executive Power is on the verge of rising up against a sentence of the Court “which is as much as rising up against the Constitution”which constitutes an act of “unusual institutional gravity.”

The radical university group Franja Morada, requested the suspension of Alberto Fernández as a professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA)for understanding that “not respecting a ruling because they do not like what it provides, is expressly incompatible with article 36 of the Constitution, and constitutes an attack against the institutional order.”

Agrupación Franja Morada requested the suspension of Alberto Fernández as a professor at the UBA. Source: (Twitter).

The National Deputy Graciela Ocaña, from the Public Trust space, denounced the president, the minister of economy and to the head of the bank Nación Silvina Batakis for the crime of sedition. He clarified that “if the funds are not deposited this Monday, we are going to go against all the ministers and governors.”

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