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Coahuila: Empacho? Save yourself from post-Christmas indigestion with these home remedies

In Mexico food has great weight during coexistence and recreation, as it symbolizes the family union, joy, consolation, loveand in Coahuila is no exception.

That is why in christmas and new yearfamilies are delighted with exquisite dishes that many times can only be consumed during the December’s holidaysso that during dinner there is no shortage of those who take the opportunity to savor, as many times as necessaryall the dishes that are offered.

But with culinary joy comes also a heavy tragedy: the indigestion or indigestion.

The indigestion or dyspepsia is indigestion caused by excess of “heavy” foods, that is, rich in fat. It can also be caused by eat food very quicklywith alcoholic drinkswith caffeine either soft drinksbeing in motion while eating, smoking, or with stress and anxiety.

Another cause is that you ate much more than your body is capable of digesting and can be associated with Stomach problems previous or the consumption of any medication.

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You will be able to realize that you are “victim” of empacho for the following ailments:


-Stomach ache


-Threw up







Discomfort in the whole body

If everything goes well, it will disappear in a couple of hours (between two or four), but if you can’t help yourself with the following remedies.

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In adults, you can take teas or infusions.

Mint: This is very helpful because neutralizes acidity Y reduces stomach irritation. It can be consumed half an hour after food until three times a day.

Chamomile: Very popular wild flower to cure digestive ailments, because they act as natural calming and promotes digestion. Like mint, we recommend you consume this tea no more than three times.

Melissa: Relieves acidity, burning and reduces inflammation. Of course, you can take it when you finish eating, but you can only taste it until two cups.

Ginger: Excellent to help reduce inflammation and fight the acidity. prevent reflux and you can accompany it with drops of lemon. It is recommended to take maximum two cups.

In children, you can identify empacho by some of the symptoms that we have already presented to you, but also by the refusal to eat, constipation, belching and fever.

In any case, it is highly recommended to visit your pediatrician doctor trustworthy to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

To calm your intoxication you can keep it in a comfortable and quiet place Allow him to move a little to rest, as long as he doesn’t run or exercise a lot.

If you feel like eating, you can prepare foods considered as bland dietwhether it’s chicken soup with a little rice.

You can give it massages on her tummy to relax, as well as hot baths.

If he pediatrician allows it, as long as it is more than two years oldcan you give it a little chamomile tea. It is important to stress that No baby or infant under two years of age can consume teas or infusions until authorized by their doctor.

Like adults, make sure that your little one does not overdo their food intake and make sure that they are not too heavy for their digestive system.

Mint tea, neutralizes acidity and reduces stomach irritation.

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If you prefer to avoid all the ordeal, these tips can help you to better enjoy your meals and, why not, the New year dinner.

– You can eat several times, but try serve you a little. Taking lots of everything will help you not to overindulge and have the satisfaction that you got a little bit of everything, or eat between spaces, but without it being too much.

– Pay attention to Feeling full Y chew slowly.

– Take abundant water.

– Start your dinner with noble foods such as soups Y salads.

– Avoid desserts and gigantic portions of food, with greasy either fries and quite heavy.

– You can take one of the infusions that we have recommended as a preventative, as long as it is after eating.

Done, you will be divinely throughout your event, but if the discomfort persists, do not forget to consult your doctor.

And you, what other remedies do you know? Let us know in comments.

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