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Coexisting and negotiating with crime is not an option for democracy

Coexisting and negotiating with crime is not an option for democracy

It is clear that the main axis of confrontation is dictatorship against democracy, with the express indication that dictatorships are systems of organized crime that commit all types of crimes to take and hold power indefinitely. The total control of the government by criminal groups – as proven by reality in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua – results in the exercise of international crime status on behalf of the states they control. It is a fundamental crisis, because coexisting and negotiating with crime is not an option for democracy.

Democracy in the Americas is not a concept under discussion because its nature and essential elements are determined by a constitutive treaty that is the Inter-American Democratic Charter, a norm of mandatory compliance for all countries and citizens of the region. The fact that a law is violated does not invalidate its validity or force; on the contrary, it exposes the criminals and in the case of democracy it clearly points out the “non-democracies” that are the dictatorships of socialism of the 11th century.

Article 1 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter mandates that “The people of America have the right to democracy and their governments the obligation to promote and defend it. “Democracy is essential for the social, political and economic development of the people of the Americas.” Article 3 determines the “essential elements of democracy.”

The dictatorships of 21st century socialism or Castrochavism in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua do not comply with any of the essential elements of democracy and on the contrary they flagrantly and daily violate them with the commission of crimes by the government. They attack human rights and fundamental freedoms, they have extinguished the rule of law replaced by violent imposition, they have implemented the “electoral dictatorship” because people vote, but do not choose, disappearing universal suffrage, they disguise political plurality with the “opposition”. functional”, and concentrate all power, manipulating justice as an instrument of repression and impunity and the legislature as a means of creating “infamous laws”.

The peoples subjected by dictatorships suffer a “state of defenselessness”, oppressed by the form of government that is “State terrorism” defined as “the use of illegitimate methods, commission of crimes by a government, aimed at producing fear or terror in the civilian population to achieve their objectives or achieve behaviors that would not occur on their own.” They are flagrant crimes proven in the dictatorships of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua with political prisoners, exiles, tortured, murdered, persecuted, kidnapped, extorted, subdued and a long chain of national and foreign victims who are their internal and negotiating capital. international.

Dictators and their entourage perpetrate crimes against humanity, transnational crimes, conspiracies, espionage, organization of armed groups, drug trafficking, terrorism, attacks on life, human trafficking and slavery, all types of extortion, kidnappings and crimes against peace and security. international.

The dictatorships of socialism of the 21st century are “an organized criminal group” defined by the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime or Palermo Convention in its article 2 a) as “a structured group of three or more people that exists during period and who acts in concert with the purpose of committing one or more serious crimes or offenses established in accordance with this Convention with a view to obtaining, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit.”

In the preface to the Palermo Convention, the then UN Secretary General Koffi Annan recalled that the fight against crime is a global obligation and necessity, expressing: “If the rule of law is undermined not only in one country , but in many countries, those who defend it cannot limit themselves to using only national means and means. If the enemies of progress and human rights seek to use the openness and possibilities offered by globalization to achieve their goals, we must use these same factors to defend human rights and defeat crime, corruption and trafficking. of people”

The fact that crime has political power and controls governments does not modify the legal order or the principles and values ​​on which democracy is based; on the contrary, it demands urgent actions to return to normality and apply the law, ending dictatorships. .

Politics is the art of the possible and survival the art of the necessary, but to prevail democracy needs to respect its principles and values ​​by identifying and defeating organized crime with which coexisting and negotiating is not an option.

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