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Cofepris reviews the 7 online pharmacies in which you should never buy

There is pharmacy online to which the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (cofepris) recommends not to attend, as it ensures that they do not meet the conditions to preserve and store medical products, here we give you the details!

In The Truth News We reveal to you that the agency also indicated that these establishments do not have the necessary health documentation to continue operating.

We recently told you that Cofepris modernized and digitized all the procedures, but now we reveal which pharmacies it indicated are not reliable.

Pharmacies that Cofepris does not recommend

Cofepris does not recommend buying medicines through Medics 360. Photo:

Next, we give you the list of the establishments that he assured have several sanitary irregularities, do not consume them!

  1. Gdl Biomedical Supplies
  2. Industrial Supplies of Mexico
  3. Meraki Store360
  4. Noortropics Mexico
  5. Medics 360
  6. Stethoscopes Puebla
  7. Access Pharma

It may interest you: Cofepris seizes more than 75,000 soft drinks of two brands due to anomalies.

How did Cofepris realize that pharmacies are not trustworthy?


Due to the “constant vigilance” of the agency on this type of establishment, because rabbit seek to protect people from the dangers of using medical supplies that do not meet the established sanitary standards or that are outside the regulations.

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