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Collapsed buildings in Marseille: “The most effective method” to find traces of life “these are the dogs”, explains the Federation of Firefighters of France

Guest of franceinfo, the president of the National Federation of Firefighters of France explains that the use of dogs remains the “most effective” option after the collapse of two buildings in Marseille, rue de Tivoli, on Saturday night see you on Sunday.

After a building collapse, “the most effective method” to find traces of life under the rubble “it’s the dogs”, explains Tuesday April 11 on franceinfo Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-Paul Bosland, president of the National Federation of Firefighters of France. This specialist in rescue and clearing issues explains the relief operations that are still underway in Marseille after the collapse of two buildings on rue de Tivoli on the night of Saturday April 8 to Sunday April 9, killing at least six people. according to a provisional report. According to Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-Paul Bosland, dogs have a decisive role to play in this type of operation, because “they use their flair” and can “detect a living or unconscious person, which electronic means cannot”.

franceinfo: How do you explain that the rescue work takes so long?

Lieutenant Colonel Jean-Paul Bosland : This type of operation is always long when you come to a building that has collapsed. In Marseille, we had an unfavorable element from the start, namely the fire which was present (under the rubble) and which inevitably slowed down operations. The operation takes place in two stages: there is a first phase of research to identify the location of people likely to be in the rubble. The second phase (takes place) once these victims are located, it is a rescue operation.

“As you go along, when you dismantle the rubble to access the victims, you are forced to secure the site to avoid additional collapses, which takes time.”

Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-Paul Bosland, President of the National Federation of Firefighters of France

at franceinfo

The mayor of Marseille Benoît Payan uses the expression “surgical operations” to describe the work of the relief workers. Do you agree with this term?

That’s it. From the start of the intervention, safety precautions must be taken. All of the buildings, the one that collapsed and those nearby, have been deconstructed, the architectural balance has therefore been affected and there is a real risk of further collapse. If you have rescuers under the rubble at that time, it’s very complicated. We must therefore begin to secure, to purge certain buildings. We will then use construction machinery in order to remove these risks of collapse, by depositing them and causing them to fall.

>> Collapse of buildings in Marseille: “There can be chain reactions”, warns Patrick Coulombel, co-founder of “Emergency Architects”

Six bodies have been recovered so far and at least two people are still wanted. Is there, in your opinion, even a tiny hope of finding them alive?

On building collapses, you may have a wooden floor that falls obliquely and creates a pocket of survival which can therefore allow victims for several hours or even days (to stay alive). In Türkiye, we have seen people being freed late.

How do your colleagues look for traces of life?

The most effective method is dogs. The dog will use its sense of smell: It will be on the rubble and take in the scents of the people buried below. In Marseille, from the start with the release of smoke, they could not work. But the dog remains the most effective means, because it detects a living or unconscious person, which electronic means do not allow. It is enough that there is a current of air so that the odor goes up. The dog will thus be able to make a mark, that is to say, it will stop and bark. We then have additional means such as cameras that we enter into the rubble to locate the exact location of the victim.

An investigation has been opened for manslaughter. In view of all the elements that you have to your knowledge, does the lead to the explosion linked to the gas seem to you the most credible?

Today, fellow firefighters and firefighters are working in partnership with the police to keep exhibits on clearing the rubble that could help identify the origin of this explosion. Items that are removed are then analyzed by the police. There is no doubt that we are on the explosion in view of the testimonies. Now, is it the gas, and if so why? This is the work (carried out) under the authority of the prosecution.

200 people who lived around this building at 17 rue de Tivoli were evacuated this weekend. Do we know when and under what conditions they will be able to return to their homes?

The work that is done today by building engineers is precisely to look at and estimate the stability of surrounding buildings. It is only after their passage and their commitment that the return of these people can take place or not. Each building is checked, from the foundations to the roof, to find out if the building has suffered damage following the explosion and to know what its level of stability is.

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