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Collective crime: chronology of the events that shocked the country

In the early hours of the morning, the violent crime of a bus driver in Virrey del Pino caused a great commotion due to the general malaise and the impunity with which criminals act. A strike that included more than 150 bus lines took place in the morning with a clear slogan: justice y security.

Chronology of events:

4:30 The driver of line 620 is murdered

A group of criminals got on the bus line 620 of the Nueva Idea company when passenger service began at kilometer 41 of Route 3. Barrientos, the company driver suffered an impact on the chest that took his life Instantly. As a result of the incident, there was a shootout between the criminals and a City police officer who was there and the 3 young people escaped from the scene.

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7.30 bus stop
The Automotive Tramway Union (UTA) announced a strike starting at 7:30 a.m. In a demand for justice and security, affecting almost 80 lines in the western zone of Greater Buenos Aires, traffic was cut on Av. General Paz and Ruta 3 by the 65-year-old driver murdered in Virrey del Pino.

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11.30 a suspect was arrested
The alleged “material author” of the murder of Barrientos was arrested. The person involved was made available to the La Matanza homicide UFI under the charge of prosecutor Gastón Duplaá and will be subjected to the line-up.

Mobilization of relatives and companions of the victim on Route 3 and Av. General Paz

11.44 Berni arrived at the intersection of General Paz and Route 3

The helicopter landed on Av. General Paz where the Minister of Security Sergio Berni traveled

11.47 They intercepted the head of Buenos Aires security
Berni approached the demonstrators who, in the middle of a crowd, approached the minister under chants and insults. The first physical attacks were recorded that prevented him from continuing to walk and forced him to push back while other protesters threw stones and other blunt objects at him.

11.48 Cornered
The minister fell to the ground and was cornered by the protesters, despite the fact that the city police gave him a shield, some drivers sought to “calm the waters.” When the situation seemed to calm down, he received a blow to the cheek that left him bleeding.

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11.56 Berni: Can we talk?
The tension does not cease, in the midst of the shoving and shouting, the Buenos Aires security chief asked for dialogue while he continued to be cornered against the “paderón”. They ruled out evacuation by helicopter and Infantry personnel approached to carry out the evacuation on land. The violence remained in the place and the attacks from the bridge continued and the Minister insisted on remaining in the place, despite being withdrawn. Police and journalists ended up with injuries.

• 12.17 Infantry and the City Police intervene
Confrontation between police officers and the demonstrators who came to protect the minister and to be able to remove him from the place. With the passing of the minutes, the drivers moved away and Berni’s protection remains in the midst of cobblestones and stones that fly through the air. A struggle between Berni and the police who are advancing to remove him from the place, while the minister tried to stay in place and the members of the City Police complied with the protocol to remove him.

• 12.21 Evacuation of the Minister of Security of the province of Buenos Aires
They placed a provisional helmet on the Minister, the GAM arrived at the scene, rubber bullets were heard and they advanced towards the cars to remove the official from the conflict. There, the minister guarded by the City police withdrew.

• 2:00 p.m. Kicillof summoned the officials involved and the head of the UTA
The governor of the province of Buenos Aires requested a meeting with Roberto Fernández from UTA, the Minister of Transportation, Jorge D’Onofrio; and the Minister of Security, Sergio Berni. Likewise, the Minister had to be assisted at the Churruca hospital, where they reported that he suffered a malar fracture and a collapse of the orbit. For this reason, the Governor’s meeting with the UTA was postponed.
From the City Government, they reported that Berni did not warn that he was going to intervene in the demonstration and that due to the incidents, SAME had to assist eleven people, six of whom had to be transferred.

• 14.43 Berni: “I’m not going to give up”
The security minister spoke live after the acts of violence from the Churruca Hospital, where he affirmed that “we are not going to give up, we are going to redouble our efforts.” He ruled out the resignation and ruled that since 2019 he has requested the presence of the gendarmerie in the province of Buenos Aires.

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• 15.00 Other companies join the strike
There are more than 176 bus lines that adhere to the strike and suspend their activities.
The Dota company joined the strike. The affected lines affect the City of Buenos Aires and Greater Buenos Aires.

• 15.30 Trains the most chosen alternative after the bus strike
Due to the bus stoppage that affects a large part of the AMBA area, in principle, until 00:00, the Train is the alternative to return home while another means of public transport remains suspended. From Trenes Argentinos they report that the lines continue to operate normally in their entirety.

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