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Cologne: New perspective for Adamyan

Steffen Baumgart wants to go back to the striker Sargis Adamyan, who was last eliminated. “Sargis showed a very good reaction”praised the FC head coach at today’s press conference, “He didn’t let himself down, accepted the situation as it was. Sargis is not only an option for the squad, he can also come into play.”

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The Armenian’s long-lasting form crisis prompted Baumgart to remove Adamyan from the Cologne squad after the international break. Twice in a row, the 28-year-old only had a seat in the stands. Baumgart now: “What he’s showing at the moment is what I’ve been expecting from him for a long time.” Adamyan is playing for a perspective at FC. Even if the contract is valid until 2026, it is unclear whether it will remain in the summer.

reading tip
Professional contract for Cologne talent

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