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Colombia supports international audit of election results in Venezuela

To foolish words, deaf ears

BOGOTA.- The chancellor of Colombia, Luis Murillounder direct instructions from the president Gustavo Petrocalled on Venezuelan authorities to support the recent electoral process with complete transparency and concrete evidence.

In an official statement, Murillo stressed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has closely followed the development of the electoral process in Venezuela, emphasizing respect for the autonomy of the neighboring country. However, she also made an urgent call to the Venezuelan authorities to ensure the legitimacy of the process.

“It is imperative that the Venezuelan authorities support this democratic process with full transparency,” Murillo said. “The international community and the Venezuelan people have the right to know the complete and verifiable results. Transparency and auditing of the final results are essential to ensure that the process is fair and legitimate.”

The Foreign Minister also stressed the importance of avoiding violence and maintaining a constructive dialogue between all parties involved. “To move towards a peaceful and fair resolution, it is crucial that all parties maintain an open and respectful dialogue. Violence and confrontation only serve to hinder progress and stability in Venezuela,” added Murillo.

Colombia, as part of the international community, pledged to support all efforts necessary to ensure peace and stability in the region. “We are willing to collaborate with the international community to ensure that electoral guarantees are respected and all doubts about the vote count are cleared up,” concluded the Foreign Minister.

Colombia’s call comes at a time of tension in Venezuela, where concerns about the transparency of the electoral process are expected to be resolved quickly. Colombia’s stance seeks to promote an environment of peace and stability, supporting efforts towards greater democracy in the neighboring country.

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