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Colorful children’s studio – remaining places available!

©City of Hohenems

The colorful children’s studio is an offer from the Zack & Poing association and is supported by the city of Hohenems. It is aimed at girls and boys between the ages of four and eleven.

The participating children learn about their talents and talents in a playful way using methods from circus pedagogy. The focus is on acrobatics and movement as well as dealing with creative materials.

The aim is to strengthen the children’s self-confidence and to promote their social skills and ability to work in a team. Prejudices are broken down, mutual tolerance and friendly togetherness are encouraged. Play, fun and joy of movement are the focus.

Where: ProKonTra, Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Strasse 29

When: Wednesdays, 2 p.m. – 5 p.m

Events: 11, 18 and 25.1. and February 1st and 8th, 2023

• The summer semester then starts on February 22nd. and ends on June 21, 2023

• Participation is free.

Registration is required and binding. The number of places is limited.

Registrations with manager Sebastian Gerer by phone on 0699/17448707 or email

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