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Come ricaricare un’auto eletrica al Supercharger di Tesla | MotorLabs

per ricaricare an electric car it is possible to confirm there Tesla Supercharger grid. This is worth soprattutto per i modelli Tesla, marcho che fin dagli albori rappresenta un referimento absolute per il settore delle auto elettriche. Capire eat ricaricare an electric car and a Supercharger It is very important, also considering the always greater diffusion of this station in Ricarca.

I own an electric car from Tesla have not the possibility of enjoying oltre 40,000 Supercharger, ciascuno with molteplici stazioni di ricarica, sparsi in tutto il mondo. In Italy, in particular, the network of Supercharger is diffused in a very capillary mode, with so many are davvero ben coperte. In arriving I am also i Supercharger V6 with maximum power of 600 kW.

Give a little time, inoltre, it’s possible ricaricare also electric car non Tesla (generic) ai Supercharger. Quest’opportunità è disponibile, por il momento, only in a limited number of Superchargers in Italy. If it is, in ogni caso, a non-trascurare opportunity for an electrical car of a different brand and has communicated the need to clean the vehicle itself through a public parking station.

With the complete opening of the network to all the electric cars, i Supercharger can always be very important to sustain the richness of the electric cars. Sulla questione consigliamo la lettura dell’approfondimento “Perché Tesla deve – or non deve – aprire i Supercharger a tutti”

Chiarita l’importanza delle stazioni di ricarica di Tesla, è giusto chiedersi How can I ricaricare an electric car with the Supercharger? I punti di ricarica di Tesla presentano caratteristiche exclusive, che li differenziano da altre colonnine pubbliche. Effettuare a “refornimento” presso un Supercharger è, en ogni caso, un’operazione molto simplexe e che non comparterà particolari complicazioni, si per i proprietari di Tesla che per chi ha un’auto plug-in di un altro brand.

Vediamo, quindi, tutto quello che c’è da sapere sulle modality available for using a Tesla Supercharger ed will go to ricaricare l’auto electrica:

Come ricaricare un’auto eletrica al Supercharger di Tesla

Partiamo gives a preliminary passage: identify the Tesla Supercharger da utilizzare per ricaricare un’auto eletrica. If it is about a fundamental passage that allows you to simplify to the maximum the procedure of cooking, press one of the cooking stations of the American company. The first thing to do, in this case, is scaricare l’app Teslaavailable for Android devices, process the Google Play Storeand for iPhone, process theApple AppStore.

To complete the download, it is necessary to log in with your own Tesla account, inserting the registration email address and password. If you do not have an account, you will first complete the registration to create one. If you have a Tesla car, you can access all this information available through the app by using the touch display of its own window and the Trip Planner function that allows you to easily identify the Supercharger that the neighbor can use for the rich.

An other preliminary pass to complete first of raggiungere a Supercharger è Predispose your own Tesla account to pay the rich. It is necessary to add a method of payment to be able to pay off the amount. With the Tesla app, just access your own profile and choose it Account > Ricarica and add a valid payment method (Any kind of letter of payment oppure the IBAN coordinate of the current account itself). You may also insert your own fat indicator to complete the configuration.

per i non-Tesla vehicle owners c’è la possibilità di activare l’registration Overo a abonamento mensile (from the cost of 12.99 euro) please consent, other access to the network of Supercharger opens to all and vehicles plug-in, also to a cost più basso della ricarica, with agevolate tariff normally riservate alle vetture Tesla. We note that the effective cost of the socket varies based on the Celtic Supercharger and is indicated through the Tesla app or through the display touch of the Tesla vettura itself.

Completati questi passaggi preliminaries, basterà I will identify the Supercharger dove ricaricare the own electric car. For the non-Tesla vehicle, for the moment, the network of the Ricarica stations is redotto and it is possible to find the point of the neighboring Ricarica using the Tesla app, walking in Carica with the non-Tesla vehicle and following the instructions. At this point, no rest recarsi presso il Supercharger scelto (When I have verified that it is open to the public in hours, in which case you plan to visit it) to effect the electric car drain.

Attention: Cousin I will use a Tesla Supercharger it suits will value the tariff for the richer of the electric car dei various providers presenti sul mercato. Such tariffs are constantly evolving (with increases, decreases and promotions that, from month to month, modified by market scenarios). It is very important to value this element to ensure that you have ridotto to a minimum and the cost of the ricarica of the electric car itself.

How will I use the Tesla Supercharger to power up the electric car?

Ricaricare un’auto electrica presso un Supercharger di Tesla è very simple. Il meccanismo è, substanziamente, analogo a quel adottato da altre stazioni di ricarica. Ogni Supercharger, infatti, presents a certain number of colonnine availability (a quick click on all’app will suffice to verify the availability of the points of the rich in a Supercharger station). With your own vehicle it is possible occupy one of the points of Ricarica accessibili I will complete the necessary procedure to ricaricare an electric car.

is necessary Collegare il veicolo alla colonnina di ricarica tramite l’apposito cavo di ricarica. Once the cable is turned on correctly, the LED of the rican socket will light green to indicate the avvio of the rican procedure. In linea di massima, every vehicle and Tesla can be richly loaded with a Supercharger station. L’effettiva velocità di ricarica will depend on the combination of various fattori. Ogni modello, infatti, supports a certain maximum speed of charging and there are several types of Supercharger, with increasing speed of charging.

Yo Supercharger V3 I am equipped with technology CCS A cavo singolo, for some Tesla models prior to 2019 may need to be upgraded to CCS Combo 2 to power the rich. Tutti i Supercharger V2 in Europe, again, sono dotati di cavi di ricarica doppi I consented to the access to the porte di Ricarica DC Type 2 and CCS Combo 2. For how much does the Ricarica di un’auto electrica non Tesla Press Supercharger “aperti” to all the auto plug-in it is necessary to use exclusively the CCS connector.

How will the rich woman pay for a Tesla Supercharger

Process theapp Tesla it is possible I will monitor the speed and time of Ricarica. Questi dati variano based on diverse facts. I will note that the limit of rich riches will be adjusted in automatic all’80% della carica totale. A complete ripping, of course, is rarely necessary and this system allows for speeding up the “ripping” procedure, releasing the ripping point in quick time. In ogni caso, it is possible Manually select “one foot” for the battery Process the display touch of Tesla or also process the Tesla app.

Complete the operation of Ricarica, it is possible I will verify the comprehensive cost of the Ricarica dell’auto eletrica via l’app Tesla e il display touch della own Tesla. Attention alle occupation rate That if applicable in the case in which the vettura resti firma presso di ricarica a complete voltata la ricarica dell’auto eletrica. If it deals with a rate per minute, it does apply automatically to avoid that the owner of a converted electric car breaks it without his own patch.

For the payment of the electric car rich to the Tesla Supercharger will be used method of payment configured dall’utente all’interno del proprio account. Naturally, it is possible to update the method of payment at any time (additionally, by changing the abbinated letter, your charge will add to the cost of the pick-up) to render the intera procedure to suit all your own needs.

Dalla scelta della stazione di ricarica al pagamento della ricarica, passing through the effective operation of “rifornimento”, I will use a Tesla Supercharger to clean up an electric car it’s an operation very semplice e che non dovrebbe presentare problemi particulari. In case of difficoltà, in ogni caso, it is possible to consult a dedicated section on the Tesla site.

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