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Commission of Deputies advises ratifying the derogation of the agreement with the EU

Commission of Deputies advises ratifying the derogation of the agreement with the EU

It’s all about the project “That repeals the validity of Law No. 6,659/2020, which approves the financing agreement between the European Union (EU) and the Republic of Paraguay, for the support program for the transformation of the educational system in Paraguay, and its annexes ”, which was the central theme of the regular meeting of said commission.

The objective of the project is annul Law No. 6,659, by which a financing agreement between the European Union and Paraguay was approved, for the program to support the transformation of the educational system.

The instrument provides for aid estimated at 38 million euros, which is equivalent to more than 39 million dollars.

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“The Chamber of Deputies, in exercise of the constitutional role of comptroller, must ensure the preservation of the values ​​that sustain the family as a fundamental institution and cannot ignore the clear popular manifestation of parents who have mobilized against educational transformation”, refers to the explanatory statement.

According to the writing, This agreement was rejected from the beginning by the citizens, for various reasons; among them, that the donation is conditional on promoting a focus on rights and gender equality in the education of children and young people.

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The draft law for the repeal of the international agreement is part of the agenda of the ordinary session of the Chamber of Deputies, to be held this Wednesday from 09:00.

It is worth mentioning that If Deputies ratify the repeal, the regulations return to the Senate for the final process.

The entry Commission of Deputies advises ratifying the repeal of the agreement with the EU was first published in Diario HOY.

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