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Commuting only annoying travel time? So you can use the time wisely

  • Organization: Plan the day and draw conclusions
  • “digital detox” – analogue to work and home
  • use relaxation techniques and arrive balanced
  • discover new hobbies
  • Conclusion

A large proportion of Germans commute to work, 65% use their own car, and 26% use public transport. The way to work can quickly become a test of patience, especially if the journey takes a little longer. The numbers speak for themselves: 32% alone drive between 15 and 29 minutes to work every day, 23% even 30 to 59 minutes. This time has to be Not as “wasted lifetime” to be felt. We have a few below tips and suggestions compiled for you, with which you can calculate your driving time in the future “sweeten”, sensibly bridge or at least make it more bearable can.

Plan the day and draw conclusions – use the time to organize

Suppose you usually leave for work early in the morning. Use this time to already to plan the day ahead and the most important to-dos or personal milestones for the day in question to setlike the online portal suggests.

This is not intended to create personal pressure. Rather you should in this possibility see something positive and from this mental attunement on the day generate a high level of motivation. Do you have special meetings or exciting presentations coming up? Are you meeting up with a good friend for lunch during your lunch break? In addition to the motivation to master the waiting professional challenges, upcoming events can even Increase anticipation for the day.

At the end of the working day he waits way home to you of you. Again, the travel time may be longer to bridge. If you have already planned your day on your morning commute, you could use the time now to Summing up your working day. It can be very motivating if you reminisce leaves what you have done in the past working day. If you have not managed to do something, this is a good starting point for planning your next day.

With “Digital Detox” analogue to work and home

digital detox” denotes the partial or total renunciation of the use of digital media for a certain period of time, around stress to to reduce and you focus on social interaction.

Of course, if you drive your own vehicle to work, then you are Cell phones or tablets are taboo at the wheel anyway. However, if you are traveling by train or bus, a conscious “digital detox” when commuting can be a good idea to use this time sensibly. The online portal mention here in particular Books or daily newspapers are good alternatives to using digital devices.

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It is precisely in a time that is becoming ever faster and that makes us spend many hours in front of the PC anyway good for your health, deliberate times to slow down to install So why not do this on the way to work or on the way home to then to arrive relaxed and with renewed energy?

Use relaxation techniques: Arrive balanced

That too Applying relaxation techniques is a good way to use commute time wisely. Especially if you commute to work by public transport and also have to cover a certain distance, you might want to relax during this time.

According to the specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, Dr. Steffen Häfner, it is important for commuters to relax quickly. For this you should have learned a relaxation technique. Whether there autogenic trainingprogressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson, yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Gong best suits your personal needs, you have to test and find out for yourself.

However, please make sure that you do not disturb other passengers during the exercises. Despite all the relaxation techniques, getting enough sleep is crucial to your physical well-being and long-term health.

Discover new hobbies

Of course, you can also use the commute to work to to discover new hobbies for youlike the portal suggests. The booked summer vacation can be a good reason to reduce the time of commuting in the future learning a new language to use. At the same time, you increase the anticipation of the well-deserved vacation.

You can also use your free time on the way to work to get the latest bestseller as a audiobook to listen to and hide the everyday noises in the S-Bahn or U-Bahn with an exciting story in your ears and thus escape everyday life for a few minutes.

Also podcast are now enjoying great popularity. Here you can choose from a wide range of offers and sometimes even get free ear candy. The news portal suggests appropriate to develop routines and to provide good entertainment on the next commute to work already in the home WLAN. Who knows, maybe this will even increase your anticipation for the next commute?


Maybe now you have some suggestions found how you can use the travel time to your job sensibly in the future. Of course, what you want to do during your commute also depends on yours personal preferences away. For some, Digital Detox is just the thing to get to your destination relaxed, others would rather use their time to listen to an audio book or improve their language skills.

It’s certainly worth checking out some tips and options just once to try. Maybe some options can also be combined with each other and in the future you will first devote yourself to your daily plans and then to a targeted relaxation technique?

Please note, however, that the implementation options for the individual tips also depend on whether you use public transport or your own vehicle to travel to your place of work. However, no matter how you commute to work: We wish you a good and, above all, safe journey!

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