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Compensation demanded: parents and sister of shot camerawoman sue Alec Baldwin

The parents and sister of the victim are now suing Hollywood star Alec Baldwin for the fatal shooting of camerawoman Halyna Hutchins during a western shoot.

The family, who live near the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, are seeking undisclosed damages from the lead actor and co-producer of the western “Rust,” their attorney Gloria Allred said on Thursday. The civil suit was filed in Los Angeles.

“Obviously, all three of our clients are heartbroken by the tragic loss of their daughter and sister,” Allred said. “But now, on top of this tragedy, they have to deal with the loss while living in the midst of Putin’s war in Ukraine,” the lawyer said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Hutchins’ mother, Olga Solowey, is a surgical nurse who tends to those injured in combat.

In October 2021, Baldwin accidentally shot 42-year-old Hutchins with a Colt .45 during filming rehearsals for Rust in the US state of New Mexico. Director Joel Souza was seriously injured by the shot. The revolver was apparently accidentally loaded with a real bullet by on-set gunsmith Hannah Gutierrez-Reed.

Last October, Baldwin reached an out-of-court settlement with Hutchins’ widower who had sued him. At the end of January, the actor was then charged in criminal proceedings with manslaughter. If convicted, Baldwin faces a prison sentence.

Baldwin, known for films such as The Hunt for Red October, Blonde Temptation and 30 Rock, has denied any responsibility for Hutchins’ death. The 64-year-old claims he could not have known there was live ammunition in the Colt. His lawyer criticized the charges as “a terrible miscarriage of justice”. (AFP)

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