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Complaints about the size of the chicken in the warehouse in Mayabeque


the size of the pollo of diet for children in the province of Mayabeque was the subject of criticism on social networks, after a complaint by an independent organization on social networks.

“The Güineros complain about the size of the diet chicken that they gave this month for the children in the municipal warehouses, which is extremely small and does not comply with the stipulated grammage for each nucleus either,” he stated in his profile of the Facebook the Cuban Institute for Freedom of Expression and Press (ICLEP).

After the complaint, a user commented that “the food situation in Cuba is a shame, what they gave to children and the elderly in no country in the world can be seen.”

Capture Facebook /Cuban Institute for Freedom of Expression and Press (ICLEP).

Another Internet user pointed out that it is a “lack of respect and everything”, while a comment pointed out that “on all sides of the island of Cuba they knock you down on the weights and even more so when you buy a lot, even giving you misery.”

“We have already adapted to the fact that the winemakers eat part of the consumer’s chicken, because on the blackboards it said 16 ounces for children and 12 ounces for the elderly, or what is the same, 1 pound and ¼ pound,” says a user. in the post.

Likewise, in other comments reference is made to the fact that “what we are experiencing in Cuba is criminal,” since “people in the street are fainting and there are children who are underweight and have anemia. This is a total failure.”

Last May, a Cuban grandmother also showed the lot of pollo that his granddaughter received for the supply notebook in the municipality of Bauta, in Sagebrushwhich he described as “a shame.”

“Bauta. Draw your own conclusions, that’s my granddaughter’s chicken of the month. A shame. It should be 12 ounces (just 9.5). I can’t take it anymore…”, pointed out the troubled grandmother in the profile of Facebook “Cuban mothers for a better world”.

The publication exposed photos of the chicken ration, almost in the bones, for a child in a whole month, in addition to the theft in weight, since it must have been 12 ounces and it barely weighed 9.5 in the verification that the user did on her scale. .

After the publication, a user commented that “this is the winemaker’s fault, because the chicken boxes arrive to them, what happens is that they do that to sell the rest, turn that back.”

“Of course. I already went and after a complicated discussion he completed it for me and what was left of the mortadella, that after discussing that it was my weight and who was going to eat the carapace… But I ended up in the polyclinic with the pressure through the roof … Next month it will be the same”, replied the annoying grandmother to the user’s comment.

He also said that the thing that hurt him the most was that she gave classes to the butcher “so that he could obtain the certificate to work as an administrator.”

He also commented that “somehow we have to make our reality public. Like everything, I imagine that there are people here in the group, infiltrators to find out what is being published, because if I go to the government, etc., etc., we won’t solve anything either”.

“It would never have occurred to me to make our miseries public, but I have not received anything at the butcher shop for months or anywhere. This is not Havana and it is much worse for other places. It really is a shame. I know that the only thing that I will solve is displeasure, but today I exploded and I do not give more, as I imagine that the whole world is ”, concluded LO

Another Internet user commented in the publication that you have to weigh in the butcher’s face, “and he makes a good scandal, just once, but a very good one, because the others are going to make a show for you. Even when? You don’t see that that chicken that they steal from you is the same one that they later resell you, bandits and shameless that they are.

Shortly before this denunciation, also the Cuban activist Marisol Peña Cobas showed on her social networks the monthly chicken ration that she was given for her daughter because of the supply book.

chicken for a month and I don’t remember if they haven’t sold it for two or three months. They sell it now only for children from 7 to 13 years old. I don’t know whether to make a giant soup and freeze it so that the dwarf lasts a whole month,” said Marisol.

This extreme rationing, in addition to the theft by grocers and butchers of the few foods that arrive, occurs in the midst of the fuel crisis that has a profound impact on the distribution of basic necessities that are sold only by supply booklet.

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