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Completely crazy: Tesla with 3-meter wagon wheels

Completely crazy: Tesla with 3-meter car edges

© Screenshot / YouTube / WhistlinDiesel

In one actually totally crazy video a YouTuber has a Tesla Model 3 on his load limits brought. How does the Tesla Autopilot behave in traffic, how durable are the white seats and are Tesla cars really of high quality?

All of these questions is the YouTuber von WhistlinDiesel pursued. But they do most exciting questionwhich is answered in the weird video: A Tesla Model 3 can too drive upside down?

Equipped with huge wagon wheels

In order to be able to find out, the electric car was given a new tire set lost. In fact 3 meter high wagon wheelswhich are partly made of wood and are otherwise more likely to be found on horse-drawn carriages from the past centuries.

After the Model 3 was fitted with the giant wagon wheels, it was flipped over by an excavator and upside down. Everyone involved was surprised that the electric car can be driven so easily when it is operated upside down.

A view of the street that takes some getting used to

It’s pretty weird to drive a car this way, says the YouTuber in the video and at the same time delivers the strange view from the cockpit with. So it actually worked.

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