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Comprehensive revision of the reindeer herding act on the Norwegian side

It has already been talked about before, but the announcement came on Thursday. On the Norwegian side, the government commissions the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to carry out a comprehensive review of the Reindeer Act.

– It is important that different interests are heard and therefore we involve widely affected interests, says Agriculture and Food Minister Sandra Borch.

The Norwegian Reindriftsamers Landsforbund (NRL) will be involved already early in the process, the government promises. The Sami Parliament on the Norwegian side must also be included in the work.

The Norwegian Reindeer Management Act has been criticized several times for not containing sufficient protection against industrial investments and other interventions in the lands. It has also been criticized in connection with reindeer owners on the Norwegian side being forced to mass slaughter reindeer following a decision from the authorities.

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