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Computer equipment renewed at IMSS

From the Writing/ The Newspaper

Wednesday, December 28, 2022 | 2:56 p.m.

The arrival of new computer equipment at the IMSS will strengthen digital processes in different areas throughout the state, informed Enrique Ureña Bogarín, head of the Institute.

Ureña Bogarín stressed that during 2023 the coverage and optimization of digital resources will increase.

In a first stage, the coverage of the various platforms in the medical area is being addressed, giving priority to the care of the Emergency Services, Hospitalization and Operating Rooms.

With the new equipment, attention to the beneficiary, supply processes, health actions at work, the service of the seven sub-delegations, as well as Finance and the State Day Care System will be strengthened.

“We are convinced that the Institution’s commitment is the digitization of services, for this reason work is being done to strengthen the computer equipment,” said the head of the Institute.

“At the end of the year, the arrival of new generation computers began, which will be gradually distributed throughout the state,” he added.

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