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Concern over the circulation of counterfeit bills at the Eldorado fair

Saturday February 18, 2023 | 11:30 a.m.

The use of counterfeit bills occurred at the Eldorado Produce Fair that takes place in Plaza Sarmiento, setting off alarms among the fairgrounds, but also in the commercial community of the Labor Capital. Throughout the morning of Saturday, 2 vendors were harmed for receiving apocryphal tickets in their sales. The situation occurred both yesterday, when there were also affected stallholders, and today Saturday, where vendors attending the fair received counterfeit thousand-peso bills as payment.

Luz, who was affected today, commented “At first I didn’t realize it, and I don’t remember who paid me with that ticket. But when comparing it with others, later, I noticed something strange that made me doubt. There I went and bought the pen that marks if a bill is false, and yes… it is false”.

Luz was not the only one harmed, as she expressed, “Yesterday it happened to another puestera. So there are at least two cases.” As word of what happened spread, other showmen proceeded to buy the control pen in a nearby business to guarantee the validity of the ticket. The pen in question, more similar to a fibrón, has the particularity that when it is passed through the bill, if it is authentic, it does not leave a mark, and if it is false, it leaves a black line.

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