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Concessionaire objective: seven incidents of insecurity, the second in a week

Vandalism against City businesses does not subside. Once again, as in recent days, the target was a Tolosa dealership. And again, like the previous ones, they acted minor.

It was around 1 o’clock. at dawn today when the alarm went off at the 13 and 524 dealership after a group of four boys between the ages of 13 and 15 destroyed one of the blindex and entered with no other objective than to cause damage.

“They come in to break, to do damage. It’s social resentment,” said Germán Martínez, manager of the store located one hundred meters from where another concessionaire suffered two events in less than 72 hours.

It is not new for them either: with today’s there are already seven insecurity events that they suffered, the most recent on the night of January 27 and in the early hours of last Friday. “It is ugly to say that we are getting used to living this way, but it is so,” said Martínez.

As he recounted, insecurity took over the area and the Police are rarely seen. “Avenida 13 is free. We have had contact with the commissioner of the Sixth and the reality is that the area is free, there is no control. The police have no motives to give us security,” she added.

Martínez not only blamed the Police for the lack of patrolling, but also for the fact that “there are no prosecutors or judges to take charge. The crimes of minors are making us live difficult moments. They enter through a door and do not stay for 20 minutes that the parents go and take them out”.

The dealerships located in the area are not the only ones suffering from insecurity, since businesses in other areas are also targeted by criminals. “What we are asking for is security, neither more nor less. We want them to take care of us and it is not happening. This has to be heard by the mayor, security people, prosecutors, judges. They have to give us security. We are the ones who contribute Those of us who work have to take care of ourselves,” he said.

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