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Confirm three cases of autochthonous dengue in Argentina

Thursday, January 5, 2023 | 9:15 a.m.

The first three cases of autochthonous dengue were confirmed in Argentina: two were reported by the Ministry of Health of Córdoba and the third was notified in the city of Buenos Aires. This means that the patients acquired the viral infection through mosquitoes within the territories of those jurisdictions and without having traveled.

The case of dengue in the city of Buenos Aires was reported during the first week of last December, according to the latest Epidemiological Bulletin of the National Ministry of Health.

Meanwhile, the other two cases registered in Córdoba were confirmed by the health portfolio of that province.

The viral circulation in other countries of the region and the beginning of the summer season “force to pay special attention to the suspicion of dengue and the corresponding control actions. Faced with a possible increase in the flow of people inside and outside the country, typical of the upcoming dates, it is urged to reinforce surveillance and preventive actions “, they emphasized from the national health portfolio.

In the province of Misiones there have not yet been reports of suspected or confirmed cases and in the meantime prevention tasks continue. In this sense, from the Posadas Epidemiology Directorate they had indicated that it is very important that the residents carry out control work on the patios after heavy rains, since it is the most propitious moment for the appearance of Aedes aegypti larvae. And families were asked to “discard the paint cans and tires that accumulate in the houses”, since they are the objects that technicians find the most when visiting homes and can serve as breeding grounds.

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