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Congress allocates 20 million soles for the construction of offices and museum remodeling

Congress will build a three-story building for new offices.

He Congress of the republic He has been criticized for the millionaire spending on food for parliamentarians, the purchase of televisions, screens and parking lots and the delivery of a bonus shortly after the celebration of the Labor Day. Even so, more than 13 million soles have been spent on the remodeling of the museum located in front of the Legislative Palace and the construction of an office building.

A Panorama report reports on the start-up of both projects, but highlighted that the signing of the contract with the company Qhapaq Ñam SA to remodel the Museum of Congress and the Inquisition was given on December 29, 2022, days before the end of the year holidays and in the middle of the political and social crisis which so far has left 60 deceased citizens as a balance.

“The promotion of art and culture is important. But, is Congress the one in charge? Is it a priority work?” lawyer Eduardo Herrera told the aforementioned outlet. He stressed that there are prudent moments to launch certain initiatives. “The issue is the awareness of the authorities to do that at a time when there were millions of people convulsed by the crisis,” he added.

Museum of Congress and the Inquisition is being remodeled.

For Víctor Castillo, head of the Engineering Area of ​​Congress, the S/ 13,220,000 is a figure below the magnitude of the work. He stressed that it is a project that has been promoted since the days when Luz Salgado, from Fujimori, was president of Congress and that has finally received the light of truth from the Board of Directors led by José Williams.

It is expected that in the coming months a preview of the work carried out can be presented, but it will only be inaugurated in August 2024. That is, although the current Board of Directors will no longer be in office, the plaque that remembers the development of the project It will bear the names of José Williams (president), Martha Moyano (first vice president), Silvia Monteza (second vice president) and Alejandro Muñante (third vice president).

Next to the Museum of Congress and the Inquisition, the Board of Directors has ordered the construction of a building with two basements and three floors that will be occupied by offices, according to Castillo. He has not been able to give details about which areas will work in said space since that is in the hands of the institution. However, he confirmed that this work will not be delivered in December of this year as planned.

José Williams, president of the Congress, ordered the construction of a new building for Parliament offices.

The construction of the offices would require a total investment of 9 million soles, but this amount could not be confirmed since first a technical file is needed to confirm it. Castillo explained that it is an estimated figure given the details of the 565-square-meter building.

The Congress of the Republic will spend S/35,640,000 to deliver bonuses of S/9,900 to each congressman because the current Board of Directors, chaired by José Williams Zapata and made up of the other legislators Silvia, decided so by signing an act Monteza, Martha Moyano and Alejandro Muñante.

According to the document accessed by the newspaper La República, the bonus will not be remunerative, compensatory or pensionable. This amount will also be delivered to the 3,600 active workers of Parliament. What are the reasons why it was decided to deliver this bonus? The document indicates that it is due to the increase in the cost of living, as well as the conjunctural situations that are experienced in Peru.

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