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Congress: Request for reconsideration prevented a new debate on the advancement of elections

The Congress of the Republic approved that the advancement of general elections can be debated again in the Constitution Commission; however, a request for reconsideration prevented it from being debated, at least, in this legislature that ended last night, Friday, February 17.

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In the last plenary session of the Congress of this legislature, It was approved to reopen the debate on the early elections in the Constitution Commission, with 69 votes in favor.

Montoya asked to reconsider voting on early elections

However, a request for reconsideration filed by Congressman Jorge Montoya (Popular Renewal) it could not be resolved by the parliamentarians and finally the session was suspended. As this legislature was not extended, the new debate on the early elections cannot be held.

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With this suspension, the request for reconsideration of Montoya It will only be debated in the next legislature, which begins in March. In this regard, the parliamentarian ruled out that his proposal has an obstructionist purpose. “I have requested a reconsideration and it will be voted on in the next legislature”, said.

For his part, the president of the Congressional Constitution Commission Nano Guerra Garcia He considered this situation as an obstruction of “the radical right that does not want an early election.”

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