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Construction in recovery? Production value registered an annual increase of 4.7% in November 2022

In November 2022, the Construction Industry managed to improve its indicators, which was reflected in an increase in the value of production; however, it is still far from achieving the results that were available before the arrival of the pandemic.

This Monday, January 23, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) published the Indicators of Construction Companies for November 2022, which indicate that the construction production value it grew 2.5% in its monthly measurement and 4.7% compared to the same month of 2021.

According to Inegi data, in November 2022 the value of production generated by construction companies registered a total of 25,165 million pesos; however, this figure in the same month of 2019, before the arrival of the pandemic, was 27,816 million pesos.

Here are the main states that contribute the most to the production valueaccording to the figures of the Inegi:

Condition Percentage participation in the value of production
Tabasco 13.7%
New Lion 10%
Mexico state 7.3%
Jalisco 6.9%
Sonora 6.2%

Busy staff move on

Regarding the personnel employed in the industry, said indicator also shows signs of recovery since in November 2022 a total of 475,484 people were registered who worked in this sector, that is, an advance of 4% compared to the same month of 2021, but with a stagnation in your monthly measurement.

In its annual comparison, the number of registered workers advanced 5.3% and employees 4.4 percent.
In November 2019, before the arrival of the pandemic, the staff employed in the Construction Industry It was 496,609 people, so this figure has not yet been reached to speak of a recovery in the industry in this area.

Likewise, in a matter of hours worked in the Construction Industry Said indicator registered in November 2022 an advance of 3.3% compared to the same month of 2021, but with a decline of 0.1% compared to the previous October.

Regarding average real remunerations, this indicator advanced 0.7% last November in its annual measurement and 0.2% in its monthly comparison.

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