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Construction of a modern Primary Health Center in Culebra announced

Construction of a modern Primary Health Center in Culebra announced

The president of HealthproMed, Lcda. Ivonne Rivera, announced this Tuesday that Culebra will have a new structure that will house the Primary Health Center 330, which will be distinguished by being a resilient, modern, energetically self-sustaining, with technological capacity for telemedicine, in addition to an adequate design for our geographical location. .

The mayor of the island municipality, Edilberto Romero; the director of Direct Relief, Lcda. Ivonne Rodríguez and the Resident Commissioner, Jenniffer González.

“This project represents an investment of $2.7 million – of which $1.5 million was a contribution from Direct Relief – it will be a great step towards improving the quality of life of the residents of the island, as well as part of the network of providers of health services that the island municipality offers to its population”, indicated Ms. Rivera.

“We are excited to announce the construction of this modern, resilient and self-sustaining Primary Health Center on our beautiful island. This project represents and validates once again the true commitment of HealthproMed – a non-profit entity – which has been in the business for twenty-one years. community and together with our municipal government. We are sure that it will make a big difference in the lives of our residents and the thousands of visitors from all over the world who come to our Caribbean island,” said the mayor.

The Lcda. Rivera explained that HealthproMed arrived on the Island in 2002.

“Even though at times they faced situations that limited services, it was never an option to leave our Culebrense brothers without primary health services. With a population, according to the 2020 Census, of close to 1,800 residents, Culebra before our arrival There had been a lack of a primary and preventive health facility, which provides integrated services.After the natural disasters, the municipal islands were our priority in future budget planning, in order to offer them resilient, modern and safe structures, which guarantee continuity of services after the passage of storms or hurricanes. Today for Culebra the “plan” begins to be a reality thanks to the million-dollar contribution of Direct Relief and federal funds that were made available by HRSA for construction,” he said.

“At Direct Relief we are proud to contribute to the health and well-being of the Culebrenses. This important contribution reiterates our commitment to the island municipality, increasing the medical services available in a safe and sustainable place. For our organization, it is a priority to guarantee access to health services for all Puerto Ricans and to protect this access in emergency situations. We appreciate the collaboration with HealthproMed to achieve this ambitious project ”, expressed Ms. Rodríguez on her behalf.

“With the lessons learned after experiencing the emergency situation after the natural disasters and the pandemic, and the unconditional support of Direct Relief, the mayor, honorable Edilberto Romero in this project and the constant defense of federal funds by the Resident Commissioner, the honorable Jenniffer González, we present to you a modern, structurally resilient primary health center, with adequate spaces for primary services, face-to-face and through telemedicine, in the same place, which will provide security to our brothers from Culebrense and foreign visitors , high floating population on the island. This new Primary Health Center will provide primary care, under the clinical quality criteria and requirements imposed on us by Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Human Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), office attached to HHS.”, explained Ms. Rivera.

“These health services include general medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, oral health, behavioral health, nutrition, optometry – and a small optician – and through telemedicine we offer internal medicine and others to be determined. Our new center has a design that represents what a Caribbean island is, since its design has a large open central space, using one of the most attractive elements in the urban landscape, exposed concrete, and with the ability to be energetically sustainable, our health center will definitely be a true health refuge for the residents of Culebra.We plan to begin construction in the last quarter of 2023. With this new health center, the island municipality of Culebra takes a big step into the future, ensuring access to primary health services in moments of emergency and improving the quality of life of their community,” he added.

“Just as we have secured funding to fix Culebra’s docks and airports, we have also ensured funding for the care and health of our Culebra residents. Access to health services should not be conditioned by the patient’s purchasing power or her place of residence. For this reason, I support the work of the 330 Centers, especially that their board of directors integrates patients and community leaders, to guarantee their mission, that our disadvantaged communities do not lack health care, and I applaud and highlight the work of the organizations non-profit, in this case DIRECT RELIEF, to close the inequality gap. From 2017 to date, we have secured $519,545,424 in emergency and recurring federal funds for 330 Centers and of these, $31,007,101 for HealthproMed (HPM Foundation, Inc.). Culebrenses deserve access and alternatives to excellent medical care, which is why I support this great private initiative so that once it is inaugurated, continue to ensure more resources such as federal funds so that the best services are offered,” said the resident commissioner.

The Lcda. Rivera highlighted that this project directly and indirectly injects money into the economy of the island municipality of Culebra, with 30 direct and indirect jobs, as well as the use of resources for the construction of downtown Culebra. On the other hand, through the provision of services, about 6 direct jobs and about 7 indirect jobs are secured.

HealthproMed is a private, non-profit organization that is part of the United States government’s primary health care network, and operates under Section 330 of the Federal Public Health Law. The Center is oriented towards an integrated health model with an emphasis on people without a medical plan or with limited resources. As a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), it receives grant funding from the United States Bureau of Primary Health Care, participates in the 340B drug program, and is protected under the Federal Lawsuits for Torts (FTCA-Federal Tort Claim Act).

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