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Construction prices slow down

With 3.92 percent, construction prices softened their rise last April, with which general inflation in that sector added two months downward.

However, according to the National Producer Price Index published by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi), it is the lowest figure in 34 months. In June 2020 there was a rate of 3.35 percent.

The April rate of this year is lower than the 15.99 percent that was registered in the same period of 2022.

The Inegi report shows that January of this year began with a figure of 7.50 percent, which later increased to 9.14 percent in February, to drop to 6.65 percent in March.

In June 2021, a figure of 20.44 percent was recorded, the highest in two decades.

The statistics show that construction materials, specifically, had a rise of 4.04 percent last April, the lowest rate since June 2020, when there was a 3.25 percent increase.

Meanwhile, the rental of machinery increased by 12.80 percent in the fourth month of this 2023, the smallest increase since January of this year, when it was 15.11 percent.

While labor rose just 2.31 percent, after it was at zero percent in December 2022.

At the national level, general inflation registered by the construction sector was 6.14 percent, the lowest rate in 29 months. In November 2020, the increase was 5.48 percent.

Jorge Bermúdez Espinoza, president of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC), said that the prices of materials have shown greater stabilization, after the increases that occurred with the pandemic.

However, he added that the outlook for the sector is still uncertain due to the trade war between the United States and China, as well as the arms war between Russia and Ukraine.

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