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Construction unions trust new authorities

Construction unions trust new authorities

The ING. Paul Sarubbipresident of the Paraguayan Road Chamber (CAVIALPA), mentioned being very happy and hopeful with the new minister, the first in the entire institutional history.

“We are eager to start work with her and with the team that will accompany her to carry out the infrastructure plans foreseen by this new government”, the businessman asserted.

In turn, he predicted that good times are coming for Paraguayan construction companies. “We are focused on looking ahead and ready with all our equipment, personnel and a huge number of people trained to continue building this country”, he concluded.

For his part, Eng. William More, head of the Paraguayan Chamber of Construction (CAPACO), highlighted the designation of engineer Centurion. “This is the beginning of a new stage, with new people and from Paraguayan companies We are prepared for the big investments that are coming brewing from this new government”, he assured.

In addition, engineer Mas encouraged companies, builders and professionals in the field to continue gaining strength and also to trust this new government that provides for new investments for our country.

We want investments to continue in Paraguay and that works continue to be carried out throughout our territory”, he pointed out.

The entry Construction unions trust new authorities was first published in Diario HOY.

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