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Contamination reaches part of the border basin

Juarez City.– The General Directorate of Ecology plans to apply a fine ranging from 51,878 to 2,740,000 pesos to the company Yvasa, which operates the sanitary landfill, for the fire that started last Tuesday afternoon, the second incident of this type in year.

The amount will depend on a study that was requested from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez to find out what type of pollutants emanated from the inflammation, the general director of Ecology, César Díaz Gutiérrez, announced.

Do not rule out EU measures

He said that the smoke crossed the border and it is not ruled out that US authorities file a complaint for the contamination, which reached parts of the binational border basin.

The general director of Civil Protection, Roberto Briones Mota, said that yesterday they continued working on extinguishing the fire with sand, after it was controlled with water in the first hours.

Díaz Gutiérrez affirmed that the contamination from the fire began to spread to the entire city from Wednesday and on Thursday the levels of contamination exceeded 100 Imeca at the station closest to the landfill.

He assured that 164 points were reached that day, and in El Chamizal, which generally stays between 17 and 22, yesterday dawned at 80 Imeca, and on Thursday at 76.

“So there he is telling us the reality of the contamination,” Díaz Gutiérrez pointed out.

Given the situation, he recommended that the population go out with face masks, “unfortunately there is nothing that can be done right now; the smell is not going to harm them, in the end they are particles that are already in the atmosphere”.

He recommended being patient until the fire is eliminated or it rains so that the atmosphere is cleaned.

suspend classes

Schools of all educational levels, mainly in the southeast of the city, suspended classes yesterday due to the fire contingency.

Two of them are the Technological University of Ciudad Juárez and the Colegio de Bachilleres 9.

The information was confirmed by students, the university’s social communication department and parents.

Unofficially it was learned that the surrounding basic level schools also suspended classes. (With information from Mayra Selene González)

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