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Continued battle for Hotell Tänndalen – decision awaited from the Land and Environmental Court

Several neighbors opposed the decision and appealed. Destroyed views, increased traffic and protecting part of the existing buildings were some of the arguments against the demolition and the establishment of new condominiums.

– It could easily be condominiums, it doesn’t matter, but not so big and tall, says neighbor Rolf Wennergren, who would have an obscured view of the new building.

In November last year, the County Administrative Board rejected the appeals that had been received. The neighbors have appealed again and now the case is before the Land and Environment Court.

Watch in the clip above when the neighbor couple Rolf Wennergren and Anna-Karin Wemstad show SVT around the hotel, and hear a summary in the clip below about all tours.

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Start the clip to hear what the issue of Hotell Tänndalen is about. Photo: Morgan Grip
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