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Control in North Rhine-Westphalia: Federal police confiscate fried bats

Federal police officers in North Rhine-Westphalia confiscated around a ton of unrefrigerated fish and fried bats when inspecting a van. The driver was taken into custody, as the federal police in Aachen announced on Wednesday. He is to be taken back to Italy.

The man was stopped and checked shortly after the German-Belgian border. A veterinarian appointed by the competent veterinary office ordered the contents of the transporter to be confiscated. The 31-year-old’s vehicle was also confiscated because it was not registered and had no insurance coverage.

The man from Ivory Coast also entered the country without an ID card or driver’s license. A complaint was filed against him. He is also under investigation for various food hygiene violations.

It will be checked whether he violated the Species Protection Act because of the fried bats. The unrefrigerated food should be destroyed. (AFP)

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