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Córdova and legislators applaud Piña’s speech before AMLO

Martha Martínez/ Reform Agency

Monday, February 06, 2023 | 12:56

CDMX.- Opposition legislators and the President of the INE, Lorenzo Córdova, celebrated the speech of the president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Norma Piña, who yesterday, within the framework of the anniversary of the Constitution, demanded respect for the Power of attorney.

Through her networks, Córdova described the speech given yesterday by the Minister President as a great speech, who, in the framework of the criticism launched by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, also demanded that judges be qualified only for their resolutions and not for other criteria.

“Great speech by Minister Norma Piña, President of the @SCJN, yesterday in Querétaro, highlighting #JudicialIndependence as a central principle of democratic life, in times when there are those who see the Constitution as something dispensable for the sake of their political interests” , indicated.

The coordinator of Movimiento Ciudadano, Jorge Álvarez Máynez, considered Piña’s speech as a republican gesture.

He recalled that the controversy sparked last week with the president of the Chamber of Deputies, PAN member Santiago Creel, in the framework of the installation of the General Congress, was to demand that he behave as the representative of a power and of all political forces .

However, he pointed out that the President does not grant this treatment to the representatives of the other powers.

Álvarez Máynez indicated that in view of this, the speech and the symbolic act of the Minister of not receiving the federal President stand up.

“That it is so fair in the commemoration of the Constitution, it is an act that we should not look over our shoulders. That is why the speech, plus the symbolic act, becomes relevant. The President cannot place the powers below his subordinates. Neither in the acts nor in their actions,” he said.

For the vice coordinator of the PAN, Jorge Triana, the attitude of Minister Piña is reassuring, because it strengthens the division of powers.

The PAN member considered that judging by yesterday’s act, there is a huge difference between the submission of the former president of the Supreme Court, Arturo Zaldívar, and his successor.

“It is very reassuring to see that the division of powers is strengthened. There is a huge difference between the submissive presidency of Zaldívar and the integrity and dignity that Minister Piña has shown up to now. Hopefully she will continue on that path,” he said.

PRI member Xavier González Zirión considered that the Minister President acted with great dignity, by protecting the independence of the Judiciary, which has been the object of various attacks by the President.

The legislator said that Piña is a great woman with a long career and no tail to step on, which gives her the chance to really defend the Judiciary, as she is already doing.

Above all, he pointed out, before a Presidency that in its final stretch began to weaken and that, therefore, wants control of the INE and the elections.

“The president of the Supreme Court is acting with great dignity, protecting the independence of the Judiciary from all the attacks of the President, some visible and some in the dark,” he said.

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