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Cornered by the evidence, the suspect fell for Daniela’s femicide | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Tuesday May 9, 2023 | 5:00 a.m.

“I want a lawyer.” Those were the words, words more or less, of Alan Calixto C. (30) when he was approached by members of the Misiones Police who were setting up surveillance in front of the place where he rented, located on Néstor Kirchnner avenue in the town of Saint Vincent.

They had been looking for the man since last Friday as the main suspect in the femicide of Daniela Radke (23), who was found lifeless on public roads. He had been pointed out as the person who searched for the victim in her house, but as the hours passed, the evidence against him cornered him even more.

The detention procedure was completed yesterday, shortly before 7 in the morning by members of the Homicide Department and different units of the VIII Regional Unit. The person involved arrived at the scene on a white Motomel Skua motorcycle, perhaps thinking that no one would be there at that time.

As El Territorio has been reporting, the victim’s relatives declared that a man on a white motorbike was looking for Daniela on Thursday afternoon. That was the last time they saw her, although at night the young woman told her that she was going to stay for dinner at the house of someone whom she defined as her friend.

With all this, the troops advanced over the weekend with the investigations. First they established the identity of the alleged femicide and then they were able to find out where she lived. What is known so far is that he is a native of the same town, who apparently worked until he was arrested at a sawmill and would have met the victim in boxing classes.

The key test
Likewise, the most forceful element was provided by the owner of the tenancy. When interviewed by the police, the woman said that she had several cameras on the site and immediately provided those records. This allowed us to reconstruct what would be Daniela’s last hours.

The security cameras of the tenancy were key in the investigation. Photo: Misiones Police

As detailed, the images show that Alan C. (30) arrived with the young woman -she had the same clothes in which she was found dead- around 6 p.m. on Thursday on the motorcycle with the same characteristics that the mother provided. And they stayed there until around 2:30 in the morning, when he saw them leave.

However, the most painful detail is that the young woman was literally loaded onto the tank of the bicycle without any kind of mobility of her own or reflex. That is, everything indicates that she was already lifeless. “She was deceased or at least passed out. What you see is an inert body on the motorcycle,” said an investigator who had access to those footage.

It is believed that at that moment he went to discard the body, since he returned to the apartment about eight minutes later. He later went out again to be a fugitive until yesterday morning.

As reported, the body was found on Friday on Miranda street, at the main access to the Unido neighborhood. When the troops arrived at the site and established that Daniela was lying face down in the weeds, about 20 meters from the access road to the public highway.

Regarding the house where the crime occurred, after the detention procedure, Judge Gerardo Casco, head of the San Vicente Investigating Court Three that intervenes in the event, was present at the place and directed the corresponding search.

Yesterday, details about the final results were expected, but El Territorio was able to establish, several items of clothing, hair, cables, cell phones, phone chips, memory cards, a ladies’ agogo, motorcycle helmets captured in the images were kidnapped. Spokesmen expressed that they did not find the girl’s shoes and other items that she did not have at the time she was found.

With all this, the judicial authorities consider that the suspect could be transferred to an investigative statement tomorrow, Wednesday. In that instance, he will have the possibility to give his version of the facts or refrain from declaring, without this being considered against him.

As this medium has been reporting, the preliminary result of the autopsy determined suffocation by strangulation as the cause of death, as El Territorio was able to learn based on police and judicial sources consulted. The same was notified by telephone on Saturday from the Judicial Morgue and the final reports are awaited.

In this regard, the spokespersons consulted detailed that in this first report no indications were detected that the young woman was the victim of a sexual assault. What is known is that Daniela had sexual relations prior to her death and a genetic pattern was extracted. What the investigations believe is that this DNA is from the murderer.

“He killed her horribly; now we have certainties”

Daniela Radke (23) had a 6-year-old son and eight siblings. She lived with her mother in Picada Rosales. Yesterday her family and her neighbors were calling for a march for Wednesday at 8 in the morning. It will leave from the roundabout of the local Hospital, she anticipated.

“He killed her in the most horrible way. At first we did not think it was him but now we are certain because he has all the evidence against it, ”revealed Macarena Rodríguez, sister of Daniela Carmen Radke (23), after the arrest of the main defendant.

Regarding Alan C. (30), Rodríguez admitted that he has known him for several years. In this sense, he stated that her sister “did not have a frequent relationship” with the accused perpetrator of the crime but “they were known to her because he met her friends.”

He also mentioned that it was not easy for them to recognize him because “whenever he was looking for her, he did not get off the motorcycle, he kept his helmet on, so my mother did not even know his face. On Thursday, for example, when she went to look for my sister, she waited for her on the road ”.

Knowing the accused murderer, he insisted that “he never gave his personality as a murderer or abuser, but I don’t know what my sister did with him either.”

“As a family we are trying to assimilate all this and we will feel relief when they give him life, because a murderer cannot be on the loose. We also do not know if he is going to remain in prison for a long time, for now it is a lot of pain and uncertainty, ”Rodríguez lamented and in this line he called on those who want to join the march for justice for tomorrow.

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