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Corona: Corona isolation obligation is on the brink in NRW

The corona protective measures are being lifted step by step. NRW Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann made this clear in the state parliament.

the Isolation obligation for corona infected people is on the brink in North Rhine-Westphalia. Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) announced on Wednesday decision of the state government on this issue without giving a specific date. “I can only say that I assume that, with the exception of Saxony, Berlin and Brandenburg, all states will be out of the isolation requirement on February 1st,” said Laumann in the health committee of the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament on the situation in the other federal states. The state government is checking whether NRW is still there or not.

Bavaria, Schleswig-Holstein, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse got out of the isolation requirement well before Christmas and the corona numbers did not develop any differently there than in the federal states with an isolation requirement. “Then basically all state regulations would be largely gone – if you did it that way – on February 1st,” said Laumann. Other things like that Masks are compulsory in hospitals and nursing homes are regulated by federal law. He assumes that the Federal Infection Protection Act will not be extended.

The number of treatments in the clinics is falling significantly

“So that, if the world doesn’t collapse on us now, we might be able to bury a crisis a bit with spring,” said Laumann in relation to Corona. The disease and infections will continue. It is therefore important that everyone knows how to behave. But there will certainly not be state regulations with regulatory law forever on how to ultimately deal with the disease. “That was my report. Actually, I think it’s the most beautiful Corona report I’ve given so far,” said Laumann after less than five minutes. “And the shortest,” said committee chairman Josef Neumann (SPD).

At the beginning, Laumann described that the number of treatments in the clinics is currently falling significantly. There are still around 2900 patients with or because of Corona in the hospital across NRW. That’s over 1,300 fewer than a week ago. The declines in the intensive care units and in the number of corona patients who have to be ventilated are similar. All in all the situation is good. As can be seen from the state government’s overview of the corona situation on the Internet, the number of patients referred to the status on Tuesday. According to data from the Robert Koch Institute on Wednesday, the seven-day incidence in NRW fell to 98.8.

End of the mask requirement in public transport

The NRW Ministry of Health announced at the end of last week that the mask requirement in local public transport in North Rhine-Westphalia would be lifted on February 1, 2023. On December 16 last year, it passed a regulation with which the Regulations of the Corona Protection Ordinance and the Testing and Quarantine Ordinance have been extended until January 31st. Since November 30, 2022, it has been the case in NRW that the isolation of corona infected people ends automatically after five full days. (dpa)

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