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Coronavirus: the European Union wants a common attitude towards travelers from China

Several European countries, such as France and Italy, have already decided to impose a covid test on travelers coming from China.

Reading time: 2 mins

Lhe member states of the European Union are to discuss on Wednesday a common response to be adopted with regard to travelers coming from China, where the covid-19 epidemic appears to be out of control, Sweden announced on Saturday, which assures from 1 January the six-month Presidency of the European Union (EU).

“Sweden is seeking a common policy for the entire EU regarding the possible introduction of entry restrictions,” the Swedish government said in a statement.

Stockholm said it had decided to activate the IPCR, a tool that allows the Council to react quickly politically in crisis situations. “It is important that we put measures in place quickly,” the same source said.

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While Beijing abruptly ended its draconian “zero Covid” policy, leading to an explosion of contaminations in the country, France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, in unison with the United States or even South Korea, decided this week to impose a covid test on travelers coming from China.

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), for its part, deemed such a measure “unjustified”, highlighting the high vaccination rate in Europe.

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