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Corrientes registers an active focus of forest fires

A fire remained active today in the town of Ituzaingó, in Corrientes, the only one in the country, while those registered in Entre Ríos, Chubut, Tierra del Fuego and Río Negro were contained and controlled, as reported this morning by the National Fire Protection Service. Fire Management (SNMF).

According to the report of the agency, which depends on the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the “active” focus in Corrientes is in Ituzaingó (Event 12 Loma San Marco).

Meanwhile, in the same province, the flames were “contained” in Ituzaingó (Ñupy 2 and Punta Ñaro), Concepción (Estero Carambola and Estero Batelito) and San Miguel (Carambola/Santa Julia).

On the other hand, the SNMF indicated that in Entre Ríos the focus in Diamante (El Sello) is “contained”, while they were “controlled” in Gualeguay (El Dorado and El Bronce), Gualeguay (Desacatado 1), Ibicuy (Brazo Chico ) and Gualeguaychú (Don Elías).

Regarding the fires in Chubut, the agency specified that they were “controlled” in Cushamen (Matus 3) and Tehuelches (Aldea de las Pampas).

Likewise, in Tierra del Fuego the outbreak in Tolhuin (Carmen Vieja) is “controlled”, as in Bariloche (Cascada Escondida), province of Río Negro.

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