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Cosplayer falls in love with thousands of fans singing the ending of Dragon Ball, “Romance I can give you” dressed as Bulma

He cosplay world It has become very competitive in recent years. Everywhere we look, there are models doing comic book, anime, and any other movie or TV productions they can think of.

Dragon Ball is one of the franchises with the greatest presence in this movement. There are, without being exaggerated, interpretations in which the model can be confused with the character we see on television.

It is one of the many facts with which credit is given to the level of competition that exists in social networks. However, what we have found Elia Ferry rises to another level. The Mexican model and cosplayer transcends the interpretations of characters from dragonball.

Not only does he make costumes that look very similar to the characters in the series to whom he pays homage. But also, since he has a harmonious voice, he interprets musical themes that take us in a certain way to the nineties.

In honor of Valentine’s Day or Valentine’s Day, the cosplayer posted a video in which she is singing the iconic ending from the first arcs of Dragon Ball, “Romance I can give you”. And also, he does it by cosplaying that Bulma who chased the dragon balls with Goku.

In fact, in the video you can see how he holds a replica of the four-star sphere, while he sings the musical theme.

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