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Councilman Calls for Investigation of 911 Service in Hialeah After Report of Abandoned Calls

Councilman Calls for Investigation of 911 Service in Hialeah After Report of Abandoned Calls

Councilman Bryan Calvo will call for an immediate investigation into the 911 service in Hialeah, following the release of a report revealing numbers on calls that were allegedly lost or abandoned.

The Hialeah councilman points out that the article, along with corroborated data from Miami-Dade County, exposes “that since 2021, more than 32,000 emergency calls made to the city’s 911 operators have been lost or abandoned, putting endanger the lives and safety of our citizens.”

According to what was published by El Nuevo Herald, on average, each day the Hialeah Emergency Department failed to answer 31 calls.

Problems with 911 service in the city had been reported as early as April after a Hialeah city employee publicly pleaded for help over an alleged staffing shortage.

Telemundo 51 spoke at that time with a former employee of that department who claimed problems in the administration of that center.

The former employee of the Hialeah 911 call center said there were “a high number of calls in the center that are not answered and that do not bounce back to the county, all this due to mismanagement and reducing the number of employees per shift.” .

The mayor of the city, Esteban Bovo, had said in April through a statement that there was no crisis in that division. “I want to assure city residents that our 911 call center is up and running and ready to dispatch emergency services as needed. Contrary to a recent media report, there is no crisis in this division and any mention of a crisis is completely fabricated.”

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