
Councilman Rolando González made an electoral card with potential candidates for Mayor. Who’s in and who’s not

The card of the councilor for Cambio Radical, Rolando González.  (Photo: Office of Rolando González)
The card of the councilor for Cambio Radical, Rolando González. (Photo: Office of Rolando González)

The councilor for Cambio Radical, Rolando González, who on January 17, 2023 confirmed in an interview with Infobae that he is analyzing whether or not to run for the Bogotá Mayor’s Office for the regional elections of this 2023, began to do a curious exercise that he called public attention:

Taking advantage of his frequent visits to the communities, the councilor printed an electoral card in which he included the faces of 11 potential candidates for mayor of Bogotá. With this tool, the lobbyist is conducting a poll of his bases, to which he is asking and will continue to ask him during the coming days and weeks: “Who would you vote for?”

“I did this exercise for two reasons: first, to ask our bases who they feel comfortable with; and the second, because there are times when The pollsters do not come to the localities where we carry out a community or social management task. I think it is also fair, with the candidates, that they know how the community in the most isolated neighborhoods is seeing them, ”Councilman González began by explaining to Infobae on Saturday, February 18.

The results, for its part, will be shared by the councilor’s office as they come out, and in fact on Sunday, February 19, it will share what the exercise of the last few hours produced.

Now, who is and who is not on the card? The cardboard contains the faces of various national and capital political personalities, which include councilors, former councilors, a former Defense Minister and a former presidential candidate, to mention some who, or already made manifest their intention to launch to the Bogotá mayor’s office, or as he explained to this media outlet, they have not publicized their intention, but “in the wings they are ringing”.

Specifically, the councilor for Cambio Radical included the face of Carlos Amaya; Rodrigo Lara; Carlos Fernando Galan; Juan Daniel Oviedo; Guillermo Jaramillo; Diego Molano; Martin Rivera; Lucia Bastidas; Juan Carlos Flores; Hollman Morris and Simon Gaviria.

“This is a ballot that I designed with people who have already expressed their aspiration, and others who have not openly expressed their intention to run, but who could eventually be candidates later in the electoral contest this year. For example, Rodrigo Lara has not said that he is going to launch, but it is rumored behind the scenes. And the same goes for Carlos Amaya.”, Councilman González advanced in his explanation, adding that he will be doing this exercise in the coming days.

Given this graphic rattle of eventual candidates, some people called attention to the absence of the former senator of the Historical Pact, Gustavo Bolívar, and who has already left his aspiration to the Liévano Palace crystal clear, and even himself.

In the absence of the faces of both him and the former senator of the Pact, Gustavo Bolívar, Councilman González once again said the same thing he indicated in January: that he is in an evaluation process and “up to now I am waiting for friends to decide if we do it or not”.

And in relation to Gustavo Bolívar, he assured that “he is not here because the day I sent him to stamp, he had not yet said that he would be a candidate. He was helping the president, Gustavo Petro, to call some marches of the national government, but he had not said that he would be a candidate, “Councilman González concluded to Infobae.

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