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Countdown to Title 42; enlists Texas National Guard

Mexico City. The presidents of the United States, Joe Biden, and Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will hold a video call today to discuss migration, illegal trafficking of the drug fentanyl, and economic cooperation for development.

The contact between the leaders will take place just two days before the end of a Washington policy called Title 42, which meant the immediate return to Mexico of migrants who arrived at the US border during the coronavirus pandemic.

Given this, the Republican governor of Texas ordered yesterday the dispatch of hundreds of National Guard soldiers to the border between the United States and Mexico, in an attempt to curb the foreseeable increase in immigration.

“The Texas National Guard is loading Blackhawk and C-130 helicopters and deploying specially trained soldiers to the Texas Border Tactical Force, who will be deployed to hot spots along the entire border to help intercept and repel large groups of migrants trying to enter Texas illegally,” Abbott reported.

The Texas cities of El Paso, Brownsville and Laredo have declared a state of emergency.

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