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Coup plotters from Niger accuse a "foreign power to prepare an aggression" against your country

Coup plotters from Niger accuse a "foreign power to prepare an aggression" against your country

Niamey, Aug 6 (EFE).- The military coup junta in Niger accused this Sunday “a foreign power” of preparing “an aggression” against its country in coordination with the Economic Community of West African States (Cedeao) that threatened the military from military intervention if they do not restore constitutional order.

In a statement read by Major Colonel Amadou Abdramane on public television during the evening news, the coup junta assures that it has “consistent information” about the preparations of “the forces of a foreign power” for an aggression against the country and “against his people” in coordination with ECOWAS and with “terrorist armed groups”.

The board did not cite or elaborate on the foreign power it refers to.

The ECOWAS, which decreed financial and commercial sanctions against Niger, gave an ultimatum that expires at midnight this Sunday to the coup leaders to return to power the deposed president, Mohamed Bazoum.

France, a former colonial power and which has a strong military presence in Niger, affirmed yesterday that it “firmly and determinedly supports” the efforts “of ECOWAS” to make the military coup in Niger fail. EFE


Niamey, Aug 6 (EFE).- The military coup junta in Niger announced this Sunday that it will again close the airspace of the African country as of today, coinciding with the expiration as of this midnight of the ultimatum that the State Economic Community of West Africa (Cedeao) gave the military in power to restore constitutional order, under the threat of military intervention.

According to a statement read by Major Colonel Amadou Abdaramane on public television tonight, the coup junta warns that any violation of this measure will have an “energetic” and “instantaneous” response.

“Given the threat of intervention that is required through the preparation from a neighboring country, the airspace of Niger is closed from today, August 2, for all aircraft until further notice, any attempt to violate the airspace will have an energetic and instant response. “, according to the note read by Abdaramane.

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