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Coupe de France: the left denounces the ban on the union rally at the Stade de France

Several rebellious and socialist figures denounce the prefectural decree prohibiting any union demonstration near the Stade de France this Saturday. Whistles are also prohibited in the enclosure.

The left wind up. Several Nupes elected officials denounce the decree issued by the Paris police headquarters prohibiting any union gathering near the Stade de France and the use of whistles in the enclosure which is to host this Saturday evening the French Cup final, in Saint-Denis, in Seine-Saint-Denis. Emmanuel Macron is expected to attend and hand over the trophy to the winner.

A “chilling” decision

LFI deputy Manuel Bompard deplores the prefect’s decision this Saturday. “Tomorrow they announce the camera to prevent the whistles?”, he wonders ironically on Twitter.

“This authoritarian drift is chilling,” he worries then, denouncing the ban on whistles in the stadium.

“Macron is on the verge of canceling the final of the Coupe de France”, laughs LFI MP Mathilde Panot.

The “fear of a little red card”, laughs Coquerel

While the inter-union of Seine-Saint-Denis planned, in addition to the whistles, to distribute red cards to the spectators and called to raise them in the stadium in the direction of Emmanuel Macron, the rebellious deputy Éric Coquerel worried that they are potentially prohibited.

“Does a power have to be weak and fear exclusion to be so afraid of a little red card,” he wrote on Twitter.

“The Macronist power is ridiculed and worried. He wants to ban a piece of red cardboard in a stadium”, denounces for his part the deputy LFI Alexis Corbière.

The prefect of police Laurent Nunez however ensures this Saturday on BFMTV that the supporters will be able to enter the sports enclosure with red cards.

Nearly 80,000 fans expected

On the socialist side, several elected officials also denounce the decision of the Paris police headquarters. “Day 10 of the 100 days of appeasement: after the parliamentary offside and the government’s social tackle … the red cards to the freedom to demonstrate”, retorts for his part the leader of the Socialist deputies Boris Vallaud, in reference to the roadmap drawn up by the Prime Minister until 14 July next.

The first secretary of the Socialist Party Olivier Faure considers “incredible that today we are trying by any means to ban the demonstration of hostility because we do not want to disturb the president”, Friday on France Info. “The means of the State put at the service of presidential denial”, he denounces again on Twitter.

“Fans will have the right to come with their team’s jersey or will they have to put on a ‘Long live retirement at 64’ T-shirt to access the stadium?”, grinds the elected socialist Fatiha Keloua Hashi.

Guest of BFMTV, the prefect of police of Paris Laurent Nunez justifies this Saturday the banning of the gathering by evoking potential “disorders of public order”, while 78,000 spectators are expected in the evening for the match between Nantes and Toulouse.

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