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Couple wanted for criminal offenses would have had a serious accident with minors

Couple wanted for criminal offenses would have had a serious accident with minors

A woman and her boyfriend, who are in critical condition at the hospital after an accident in Philadelphia, are suspected of killing an individual last Friday, according to police.

The couple, identified as Jabreel Butler, 31, and Tiana Johnson, 27, were admitted to the medical center after colliding as a result of a brief chase at the intersection of 57th and Oxford streets. In the Lincoln MKX vehicle in which they were traveling, two minors, aged 16 and one year respectively, were also slightly injured.

According to the preliminary investigation, Johnson shot Michel Gillians in the 6300 block of Vine Street. The victim died at the hospital from his injuries.

Immediately afterwards, the Philadelphia Homicide Unit issued an arrest warrant for Johnson and his sentimental partner, Butler, weighed a previous warrant for a previous crime.

So far no weapons have been recovered and the investigation is still active.

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