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Court orders Elon Musk to delete tweets

Tesla-Chef Elon Musk has because of controversial statements on his short message service Twitter further trouble with the judiciary. A US appeals court dismissed the billionaire on Friday because of a tweet against him building a union at Tesla in the barriers. The court in New Orleans supported the actions of the US labor law authority NLRB. She had asked Musk to delete the 2018 Twitter message because it constituted an unlawful threat.

Musk had written, “No one is stopping the Tesla team… from voting for a union. But why pay union dues and give up stock options for nothing?” The UAW union welcomed the verdict. Tesla initially did not comment. Tesla lawyers had previously argued that Musk’s tweet was true no threat Rather, the Tesla boss only stated that unionized employees at other US car companies did not receive any stock options.

No unions

In Tesla plants in the US there are so far no union organization. It was not until February that workers in the US state of New York made a new attempt to set up a union. Musk has owned the short message service Twitter since last year. His own statements on the portal repeatedly put the 51-year-old on a confrontational course with investors, authorities and courts.

Meanwhile, Musk requested a $258 billion serious lawsuit for alleged manipulation of the exchange rate of the cryptocurrency Dogecoin to drop. In a letter filed by attorneys for Musk and Tesla in New York on Friday night, Dogecoin investors’ lawsuit is described as “imaginative work of poetryThe plaintiffs failed to explain how Musk’s “harmless and often silly tweets” intended to cheat or cover up risk. A lawyer for the investors said in an email that they were more confident than ever of winning the court case .

Course manipulation

The plaintiffs accuse Musk, together with Tesla, his aerospace company SpaceX and the tunnel builder Boring Co, of first boosting the course of the cyber currency and then letting it crash. Musk had made several positive comments about Dogecoin on Twitter and as Bitcoin parody launched Internet currency helped each to price jumps. In early May 2022, Dogecoin crashed after the Tesla boss used the motto in a skit on the comedy show “Saturday Night LiveThe $258 billion in damages sought is three times the estimated loss in market value over the 13 months prior to the filing of the lawsuit.

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