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Court resolution delays process for renewal of INE

Claudia Salazar/ Reform Agency

Sunday, December 25, 2022 | 07:27

CDMX.- The changes to the convocation of the Chamber of Deputies to elect new electoral advisers, dictated by the Electoral Tribunal, will delay the process for a period of time that has not yet been determined.

In an extraordinary session, the magistrates of the Superior Chamber of the Court asked the deputies for adjustments in the call, but the holiday period at the end of the year and the recess of Congress do not make it clear how and when the adjustments can be made and how it will impact the times established.

The Court established that the call must include and specify that the election of the president of the INE and three more directors will take place; that in the proposals of quintets that are presented to the Jucopo there will be gender equity criteria, which implies that the Institute can be chaired by a woman.

Full autonomy must also be guaranteed to the Technical Evaluation Committee, eliminating obligations to send reports to Jucopo on the progress of the procedures carried out.

However, the Political Coordination Board would be meeting until December 28, according to the latest statement by the coordinator of Morena, Ignacio Mier, to address the issue of the three proposals of the Chamber to integrate the Technical Evaluation Committee, a body which is responsible for evaluating and qualifying candidates for electoral advisers.

The vice coordinator of the PAN, Jorge Triana, specified that the changes established by the Court must be approved in the Jucopo and then they must be ratified by the plenary session.

Until then, the process would be reactivated, he said.

“Everything will continue until the process is restored and the proposals of the Board come out,” he mentioned.

During January the Permanent Commission of the Congress will meet and until the first of February the regular period of sessions will begin.

The next session of the Permanent Commission is on January 5, where it could be seen if there is an agreement to call an extraordinary session of the Chamber of Deputies, just to address the issue of the call to elect electoral advisers.

However, to approve an extraordinary one in January, the agreement of the majority bloc and the Opposition is needed, since a qualified majority of the members of the Permanent Commission is needed, 25 votes.

If there is no consensus for an extraordinary one, the changes in the call will be seen until the ordinary period that begins in February.

However, such a situation could already impact a month on the dates that were considered in the call.

In the original call, between December 22 and January 6, the integration of the Technical Evaluation Committee was contemplated.

The registration of aspiring electoral advisers would begin on January 9, a term that would end on the 20th.

January 23 to 27 was set as the deadline to review the documentation, make notifications, and deliver any missing documents to the Committee.

January 31 was set as the date on which the Committee should announce the final list of applicants who meet the constitutional and legal requirements.

The date of February 6 was established for the application of the written exam of the applicants.

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