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Covid-19: Government expands bivalent vaccination for the entire population over 18

The Ministry of Health (MS) expanded vaccination with a bivalent booster dose against Covid-19 for the entire population over 18 years old. With the new guidance, about 97 million Brazilians are able to get vaccinated. This information was disclosed by the agency, in a statement made on Monday, 24.

According to the folder, guidance applies to those who have already taken “at least two doses of monovalent vaccines (Coronavirus, Astrazeneca or Pfizer) as a primary scheme or as a booster dose, respecting a four-month interval from the last dose”.

Those people who have not yet completed the vaccination cycle and who are overdue with a booster dose should also seek health facilities, according to a statement issued by the agency. New stage of immunization is part of the National Movement for Vaccination, whose actions were initiated on February 27 and aims to expand vaccination coverage against the pathology in Brazil.

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In the previous phases of the movement, members of the so-called risk groups, who have a greater chance of worsening the disease, were being contemplated. Among them are people over 60, pregnant women, health workers, immunocompromised and indigenous people.

According to the health folder, by the first week of this month of April, more than seven million bivalent doses against Covid-19 had already been applied to the priority population. New recommendation should considerably expand the number of immunizer applications across the country.

“I want to call everyone’s union for our National Movement for Vaccination. It is a movement of the Ministry of Health, states, municipalities and the entire civil society. Science has returned and we need to regain the population’s trust in vaccines, it is a mission for all of us”, said the Minister of Health, Nísia Trindade, in a statement.

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