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Covid-19: "overwhelming majority" of EU countries in favor of testing travelers from China

The measure will be discussed on Wednesday at a meeting intended to give a coordinated response by European Union countries to the impressive upsurge in Covid-19 cases in China.

An “overwhelming majority” of European Union countries voted on Tuesday in favor of systematic Covid-19 screening tests for travelers coming from China before they leave for Europe, a Commission spokesperson announced. European.

The measure is part of the recommendations resulting from a meeting of a committee bringing together health experts from the Twenty-Seven, and will be discussed on Wednesday during a meeting intended to develop a coordinated response from the EU to the explosion of contaminations in China.

Health experts on Tuesday discussed other measures proposed by the Commission, including requiring passengers from China to wear face masks, screening aircraft sewage and increased testing, with genomic sequencing, at arrival airports. , in order to identify possible new variants.

“These measures should be targeted at the most appropriate flights and airports and implemented in a coordinated manner (across the EU) to ensure their effectiveness,” the spokesperson stressed.

Wednesday’s meeting of the IPCR (European system for a reaction at political level in crisis situations) could lead to recommendations which will then have to be endorsed by the Member States.

China and “countermeasures”

China on Tuesday condemned the mandatory Covid tests already imposed by a dozen countries around the world, including three in the EU, on travelers from its territory, warning that it could take “countermeasures” in retaliation.

Beijing ended its draconian “zero Covid” policy in early December, leading to an explosion in the number of contaminations in the Chinese population, and will lift its quarantine obligations for travelers arriving from abroad on Sunday.

Worried about the lack of transparency on the Chinese figures and fearing the appearance of new variants, the Europeans reacted in dispersed order, three of the Member States of the EU opting unilaterally for restrictions.

Italy and Spain have imposed tests on arrival for passengers departing from China, while France has decided to require, from Thursday, a negative test dating from less than 48 hours on their departure. Random tests may also take place upon arrival in France.

A “coordinated approach”

During the meeting of the Health Security Committee, “all the Member States agreed on a coordinated approach”, insisted the spokesperson for the European executive.

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), one of the EU’s health agencies, deemed on Thursday “unjustified” systematic screening of travelers, given the level of herd immunity in Europe and the presence on this continent of the same variants as in China.

The ECDC said Tuesday “to have increased its surveillance activities”, while again considering that “the variants circulating in China (…) do not in themselves constitute a threat to the immune response” of Europeans.

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