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Covid-19: the World Health Organization updates its vaccination recommendations

The WHO estimates that healthy adults under 60 may not need an extra dose if they have already had a booster.

Thanks to the 13.3 billion doses administered worldwide, and to the immunity acquired by the population due to infections, theHealthy adults do not need an additional dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, after the primary vaccination and a first booster, estimated the world health organization (in English) Tuesday, March 28.

For healthy adults under 60, but also children and adolescents from 6 months to 17 years with comorbidities, there is no risk in receiving additional injections but “the returns in terms of health are weak”according to WHO experts.

Older people, other adults with co-morbidities, all immunocompromised people, pregnant women and front-line healthcare workers are however advised to take a booster dose.

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